STRATOSPHERE Entity Management
“Stratosphere Entity Management provides all the tools you need to create, update, and delete long-lived reference data.”
If Cases are the things you "Do" in a Pega application, Data is the stuff you "Use." With less well-defined life cycles and no clear-cut stages or processes that can give them meaning, Data exists to provide the context your Cases need to perform their tasks. Stratosphere Entity Management provides a robust framework through which you can define the different kinds of Data within your application (like People, Organizations, Products, etc.), edit and version it, and create relationships amongst the records as well as the APIs you'll need to bring those Entities to life by making them part of the Cases and other records your application is built around.
Stratosphere Entity Management provides all the tools you need to create, update, and delete long-lived reference data. Just as importantly, it provides comprehensive tools to define the ways in which these entities can be related to one another or even to Cases in your applications. Each Entity is versioned whenever it is modified allowing for full historical tracking of changes and simple restoration of any prior representation of the record.
Key Features
Create, Edit, and Delete your Data records
Version your Data so you can restore any historical representation of it at any time
Associate your Data to other records in your Pegasystem with configurable relationship types and automatic inverse relationships (if you choose that Person A is related to Person B as the Mother, the system can recognize that Person B should reflect being the Child of Person A, too)
Allow for grouped associations where multiple entities are part of a common group - like Classmates or Co-Workers
Provide time-bound relationships between entities for those associations that don't last forever
Ships with pre-defined Entity types to represent People, Organizations, and Events to provide a head-start to defining your Data types